
June 20, 2009

Father's Day Then & Now

I can remember the first Father's Day that it struck me as "odd" that I didn't have a father around. I was 9 years old and there was an event at the school called "Donuts for Dads Day", and I was ashamed, embarrassed, and overwhelmed with the fact that didn't have a "dad" to take. Don't ask me why it took 9 years to sink in, but that father's day was one to remember...I locked myself in my room, screamed in pain and anger, and then saw a look in my mothers eyes I will never forget..the look of helplessness. She was helpless because she couldn't "fix it" for me, she could only love me through it. From then on, every year as father's day approached I would feel a knot in my stomach, yet I chased the disappointment and hurt away year after year. Yet, I sit here today on Father's Day Eve..looking forward to tomorrow with great anticipation because God has restored my "FATHER" view, has given me compassion for my "earthly" father, and has given me one heck of a husband to celebrate "fatherhood" with! I look forward because God used 2 men to bless my life, and to help me to see a picture of my Heavenly Father.

1. My Uncle...who took me in...adopted me as his own (just like Father God), and helped to rescue me from the hand of the enemy.
2. My Precious Husband. I get the joy of watching this precious man "in action" each day. In him I see Father God ALL THE TIME. I am blessed to see his constant excitement when our children enter the room, his playful spirit that fills our home with incredible joy, and the consistent loving discipline that he maintains to help shape our children into boys and girls who honor the Lord.

So, this Father's Day, I celebrate these two men who have helped open my eyes to how MY FATHER IN HEAVEN loves and adores me, adopted and loved me as His own, delights in me, and disciplines my heart to shape me into the woman He created me to be. I am so incredibly thankful that my children will see Jesus in their father, and will have a better understanding of who the Father is because of Paul's involvement in their lives. Thank you Jesus...and thank you to Uncle Bob and my awesome hubby!

1 comment:

  1. Sunny,

    Jesus is shaping your life each step along the way. I rejoice with you that HE is faitful. Yeah God that He provided Uncle Bob (who I don't know, but celebrate anyway!) and Paul (who I do know and celebrate!). Praising Him with you and trusting that we all take joy in our Heavenly Father this weekend!
