
June 12, 2013

Crossfit. The Clock. The Finish

I have been doing Crossfit for about a year now, and God has truly used it as an avenue to get my attention and to grow my faith.  It never gets easier. Not. One. Bit.  But, I do find myself showing up anyway, as I look forward to that moment where I finish a WOD (workout of the day), and where I can see the scriptures come to life..."I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me".

This morning, I found myself in the midst of the WOD and as I pushed myself up off the floor to start my next round of box jumps, I found myself desperate to see the clock. I was hoping to find that I was almost through the pain, and that the buzzer would soon go off, signaling my finish.  As I began to take a look, I heard a still, small voice inside whisper, "Don't watch the clock. Don't worry about how much longer you are in the pain, just keep at it with all you got, and I will give you the strength that you need to endure".  God was faithful as I put in the work, to give me everything that I needed to complete the next few rounds.

Once I was finished, I stood there surprised, as usual, that I had accomplished the WOD at all, remembering that it was just a year ago where I could hardly run 200m and a box jump was just a distant goal.  On the drive home, I began to see that the lesson that God was teaching me this morning, had much more to do with my heart than it did with my physical body.

I'm a clock watcher.   I often wonder as I stare at the minutes passing by,  "How much longer do I have to sit in this pain? How much longer will it hurt? How much harder is it going to get?  How many times will I fall on my face. I don't have the strength to stand up anymore.  God, I don't think I can handle one more second in this storm".  I often want to race to comfort and do all that I can to speed thru the uncomfortable seasons in my life.  But, God has purpose in the seasons that I am uncomfortable, seasons where I am weary from jumping outside my "comfort box". Sometimes we understand the purpose, other times we never will, but what we can know is that God is always faithful to help us finish. He is always faithful to strengthen our feeble arms and our weak knees.

So, instead of watching the second hands tick tock tick tock... focus on Christ. Don't worry about when it's time to finish. He will bring you there with victory. He is always faithful to do so.