My daughter knows there is a God. She talks to him all the time, and she absolutely knows that He will never leave her. She has the simple, childlike faith that Jesus asks for. Daily she writes him songs and feels him affirming her and telling her she is beautiful, adored, talented, and loved. I know because sometimes I will sneak into the hallway while she is dressing herself and as she gazes in the mirror she says, "thank you Lord"...or "I praise you", "you're right...I am pretty". When I ask her who she is talking to...she looks shocked, as if I didn't know...she is talking to the Living whom she knows is real and at almost 4 years old, she is already growing in intimacy with Him.
The funny thing is....I PRAYED FOR THIS. From the time I knew that Grace Louise was in my womb, I prayed, "Father, I pray that Gracey will know you from a young age. I know that your words says that from the lips of children you will ordain praise, and I pray that you will put your words upon the tongue of this precious child. I pray that she will not settle for the status quo in a relationship with you, but even as a toddler she will crave intimacy and will grow in in her spiritual gifts. I pray specifically for intercession as a gift for her, and that she will have a prayer language as a toddler. I pray that you will give her the gift of prophecy and that even as a child she will walk in both these gifts."
God heard this child's prayer (ME)...for that of my child..and His child, Grace. One who walks in her gifts already. She is a prophet, she is an intercessor, and she trusts God wholeheartedly. Now, I am going to pray that God protects these gifts in her.
And...I'm going to pray that I learn from her...that I trust God whole-heartedly. Listening for His voice even in the small things and confidently walking in my gifts!! You should too.
Precious! :)