
July 2, 2010

God sings

Tonight I gathered some of my closest friends, and my bestest hubby, and asked them to listen to a testimony/teaching that I had prepared to speak next weekend in Montana, in order to give me feedback on any changes necessary. This has been a message I have had on my heart for some time now and I have known that God was the one that inspired it and asked me to speak it. When I began, I was overcome by nerves because I felt like I was auditioning for America's Got Talent as the panel of judges sat waiting to X me off the stage ( was a step..not a stage:)) .

After the moments of insecurity and 20 "um's" later (seriously, one of my friends counted)..I finally surrendered to what God wanted to speak thru me. I became very passionate about it..and as I was speaking I was falling more in love with Jesus. I was overflowing with excitement at knowing how God has delivered me and redeemed me. As I stood on the steps, with my closest friends, sharing some of the most painful, intimate details of my life...

I felt the Lord say to me "I'm about to do something new."....and "I created you for this very purpose".. which my heart beat faster and the artist in me was ready to write a song praising God for redemption . You know the scripture in Zephaniah 3:17 that says "The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."?

I feel like God was saying, "Your life a Song of redemption...a song that I will sing to to the lonely, a song that I will sing to the broken...a song that I will sing to those who have lost their way, a song that I will sing to the nations."

This is OBVIOUSLY by NOTHING in me....because those of you who truly know me know that I am a total wretch and that any good in me is HIM...not me! I am simply a vessel...a canvas that the master paints upon...a music score on which God writes the notes. I was created to bring Him my my my my friendships...I was created to give Him glory. And you know what? Whether you know it or were too! I pray that tonight you will snuggle up with your Father...that you will look at how God uniquely shaped you and that you will have a revelation of the songs God wants to sing thru you.

Be Encouraged! He has overcome the world!


  1. Amen! I enjoyed your post, Sunny

  2. The joy of the Lord wells up within me as I read of your desire to honor Him with the fruit of your life. Proverbs 3:5-6 all the way!
