
January 11, 2010

If I belittle

"If in any way, I belittle those I am called to serve...
If I talk of their weak points in contrast, perhaps, with what I think of as my stronger points...
If I adopt a superior attitude, forgetting to consider the wisdom of the voice that asks me inwardly, "Who made you different from the one you are criticizing- and what do you have that you have not been given?"....
If I can discuss the shortcomings or the sins of any man or woman...
If I can speak in an off-handed way, even of a child's wrongdoing....
Then I know nothing of Calvary Love." Amy Carmichael

I thought this snippet beared repeating. How often, even just in my thoughts, do I get wrapped up in things such as the ones this author touches on? I am praying God would transform these parts of me, replacing them with His voice...speaking encouragement, affirmation, love, and compassion into other's lives, and asking God to give me his heart to see the beauty in all people. Lord, thank you for conviction, for continued transformation, and for your Spirit!
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

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