
August 13, 2007

Wait patiently on the Lord

Well, the leadership summit was totally awesome. I left feeling really inspired! Some of the highlights of the weekend were hearing John Ortberg, Bill Hybel, Colin Powell, and Marcus Buckingham speak. I also really enjoyed the time that I had to hang out with good friends during the event. Exhaustion hit me yesterday following the event. You know how it is....when you are convicted, your heart and your brain hurt! It is tiring! I left with the realization that God has entrusted me with a vision. It's not my's his! I have some work to do over the next few days...I am going to work on putting my vision down on paper and testing it against God's word.
It's funny...I came back..totally inspired.....and wanted to run and knock on doors....hustle...try to think of the next on getting my vision into play....but then....when total frustration hit over not knowing my next move....God had a dear friend call. It's funny how He does that! She said something that really touched my heart..she said "Sunny, if you go knock doors down and you do end up getting the job....who gets the glory? You do! But, if you wait on the Lord..then ultimately He gets the glory." She's so right! God knows my heart...He knows my vision...because He placed it in my heart and it will come into play in His timing..His perfect timing. The fact is...when it's time for "the next move"God will let me know! Until then...I will wait patiently on my Lord, build myself up in His word, and keep on keeping on! What about you? Where are you desperatly trying to do God's work? Where are striving to knock doors down, without waiting on the LORD? Who will get the glory for your actions? You or Your Father?

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