
March 27, 2012

What is that measuring tape for?

It seems that no matter what conversation I am in, I constantly hear women believing the subtle lie that we are not enough. I see a striving amongst women, a striving to be better at something, do more of something, be less this, or more of that. I can understand this battle that I hear my girlfriends, my mother, my sisters in Christ & in those I mentor.....I can understand it, because I live it...nearly everyday. We even take convictions from the Holy Spirit, and we put them in our "not enough" bucket, which in turn takes our conviction and turns it into a shame slap. .

So, we shop..after all, the right outfit will help us feel more adequate. We gossip, because if we talk about others, we won't have to think about the fact that we feel empty. We judge others, because measuring them gives us a break from slapping the measuring tape against our own thighs, hearts, breasts, thoughts..etc. We work out, because if our body looks tighter people might not see the flab of insecurity shaking in the wind. We go on fad diets, starve ourselves, all so that our bodies will be closer to the image that we see on the front of Cosmo magazine. We think that all these things will help us be enough, be better, be stronger, be more beautiful....but, they never will.. they will never add to, or take away from WHO WE ARE.

My sister, my mother, my friend....YOU ARE ENOUGH. Not because of what you do or don't do...simply because YOU ARE a daughter of the King, the Gracious Son of God, who gave His life because He found you worth dying for.

He drew you out of deep waters, He rescued you from your powerful enemy, from the foes that were too strong for you.,..He brought you out into a spacious place..and HE RESCUED YOU BECAUSE HE DELIGHTS IN YOU! Psalm 18:16-19

He delights in who you are. You are enough. Rest in that, find peace in knowing that. Allow Him to quiet you with HIs love today.

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