
January 4, 2011

Nourish - #OneWord 2011

My twitter pal, Alece over at , has challenged readers this year to focus on just One Word, just ONE WORD for the year 2011. Rather than setting a list of resolutions that I will more than likely forget about in one month, just a list of "failures", or "dropped balls" to swim in....I figured I could handle One Word. I prayed about this for about a month and God led me to the word NOURISH. He said, "Sunny, you need to nourish to flourish".

Nourish, by definition, means to provide with food, or other substances necessary for life & growth, to foster development, to promote, & to help keep alive..maintain. I want to GROW THIS YEAR.

I want to take time to NOURISH
* my soul through practicing God's presence,reading His word, & BEING STILL
* my Marriage by spending quality time with my husband; taking time to DATE each other..and by focusing on how I can be a better helper
* my relationship with my kids by BEing WITH them..not just near them spaced out on a computer screen, talking on the phone, or cleaning the house. I want to practice giving NOURISHMENT to their souls by using God's word for teaching moments.
* my body thru healthy food choices, sleeping habits, & exercise
* my financial future by honoring God (not just tithing..but GIVING), spending LESS, and following our family budget.

I believe if I let the Lord lead me in this endeavor, that I will flourish, grow, and be transformed this year. I am going to post the word, NOURISH, everywhere I can think of...and I am going to pray 2011 will be a year of NOURISHMENT.

Every Thursday I figured I would blog about how God is using my One Word focus of 2011 to transform me. It will provide me with accountability to keep the "word" (NOURISH), and the WORD of God in front of me. I hope you will join me in this endeavor. It's not too late for you to think of ONEWORD for 2011! What word will you pick?


  1. "nourish" is such a rich word. it implies an intentionality not to just maintain. forget status quo. or doing just enough to scrape by. "nourish" is an overabundant kind of word. replenishing and overflowing. i love that!

    excited to watch you nourish to flourish this year!

  2. (i totally thought i commented earlier... is it stuck in moderation? or did it get eaten by cyberspace!?)

  3. Thanks Alece! Thanks for the inspiration ;)

  4. I really like this...I've got a couple words swimming in my head. Thanks for the idea and inspiration!! Let you know what I choose...
