
December 3, 2010

Selfless Servants. Oh. MY. WOW.

The past two weeks have been an incredible blessing in my life. We are in the throws of Christmas stage design at LifePoint Church and the fine-tuning of Christmas Eve services. I got the opportunity to serve alongside some incredibly talented, gifted, Jesus-loving servants this week.

I saw a man give up his weekend to build "gifts" that will serve as the bulk of our stage design this Christmas. He did this because he has a servant's heart.

I saw a group of men give up their Sunday afternoon to climb ladders, build platforms, straighten curtains, lift heavy objects, and then take direction from artistic women who "helped" the men get the chandeliers in just the "right" spot..." a little to the, back to the back to the down a little.". These men showed up because they love Jesus and want to serve him

I saw several women gather to sew, iron, fold, staple (my finger...sidenote), and then with utmost precision they wrapped 12 foot stacks of gifts in fabric, which was a task that took 3 full days of incredible teamwork. These women served because they love Jesus and want others to come to know him too.

I saw another group of men gather to prep the auditorium, using the lift to do lighting, set chairs, and prep them so that people would have a place to sit and learn about God. They did this because Jesus has transformed them.

I saw another group of women gather to wrap gifts, fluff trees, tie bows, place gifts in just the "right" place. They did this, selflessly giving up their order to bless their church family and any others who will walk into our church this Christmas season,

I saw two ladies take initiative and spend their afternoon taking time to clean up the remnants of the two weeks of decoration boxes, throwing trash, fine-tuning details. They did this because of Jesus and HIs great love for us.

I saw 2 women come in after their 8 hour day of work; one to carefully enter in the pastors teaching notes so the congregation could follow along, and the other to enter in all of the music for the month of December, and another a man come in to do camera editing of weekend services, all, so that people might take our services beyond our four walls to reach our community.

I saw a man from the worship team step up to help do band notes to guide his teammates in their prep time and another who spent countless hours researching the best songs to lead our congregation in worship during this season.
I saw an elderly woman hunt for boxes for the church to wrap for our stage design.
I saw a woman give hours of her time to organize costumes, actors, scripting, and the flow of Christmas Eve services.
I saw another woman and 4 young girls give of their time to choreograph a dance so that they could artistically express to others that GOD sent His son...FOR THEM.

and through this all, I saw a woman who has been there EVERYDAY of the past two weeks, helping guide all of these volunteers. A woman who has a family, a young son whom she adores, and many responsibilities of her own to handle....yet she took time out of her life, to give of herself, countless hours so that her church could experience wonder and awe at Christmas, so that new people could come to know Christ, and so that God might be glorified. The best part about her is that she too is a volunteer, a woman who wants no accolades, no rewards, no praise...she simply wants to have a heart that seeks God, serves him, and uses her many gifts to bring Him glory!

And last, but not least...I saw prayer happening at EVERY turn, EVERY day. Jesus was in control of HIS church! I absolutely love my church. I love that people like the ones I described, step up to SERVE him, instead of to BE served. All these people are behind the scenes, many whose names you will never know...all serving so that People MIGHT KNOW..HIS NAME!

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