
November 16, 2009

Mom's Holiday Wish List

Mama’s Holiday Wish List Meme
TodaysMama and Provo Craft are giving away a sleighful of gifts this holiday season and to enter I’m sharing this meme with you.

1. What 5 items are on your holiday wish list this year?
* Photoshop Elements 8
* Shootsac
* Overnight Date with Hubby
* Maurices Giftcards
* Starbucks giftcards

2. What is your favorite handmade gift you have received?
*My husband filled a decorative wine box with rolled up scrolls, tied with ribbons. On each of these 12 scrolls was a love letter that he had written for me, a note of encouragement, or a note from my children. I revisit this gift often, and it still gives me warm fuzzies!

3. What handmade gift have you always wanted to tackle?
*A Quilt-This would require knowing how to sew though:)

4. What was the best Christmas gift you received as a child?
*ok, this is favorite gift was an empty box from my mom. My cousins and all got to choose just 1 gift from under the tree for Christmas Eve night and my mom worked overtime to get us to open hers....we finally agreed, opened it discover an empty box. My mom yelled "oh, you're letting it escape!"....after a long time of trying to figure it out, she told us it was a "toot" she had wrapped up....might sound gross...but it was HILARIOUS and we still laugh about it today!

5. What items are on your kid’s wish list this year?
* Deven-WII, books, movie tickets, tech decks, science projects
* Hannah-dress up clothes, video camera, puppy
*Gracey- tea set, Tinkerbell, doll house, Snow White, & a puppy

6. What is your favorite holiday food?
*Call me simple, but MASHED POTATOES...I'm easy!

7. What will you be hand-crafting for the holidays?
* I am working on some scrapbooks, calendars, & caramel corn bags.

8. What is your favorite holiday movie?
* How the Grinch Stole Christmas

9. Favorite holiday song?
* This year it is Shane & Shane's version of O Holy Night...Amazing!

10. Favorite holiday pastime
*My mom and I didn't have much money when I was growing up, so each year we would decorate the tree with popcorn balls. We would make them in lots of different colors, wrap them individually, and hang them with ribbon & a bow..they were beautiful! PLus, then you have the bonus of "eating ornaments". This is a holiday tradition I will continue forever.

To enter to win all these cool prizes below simply answer the questions in this meme, make sure to post links back to and Provo Craft (use this link: ) and tag your friends!

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