
November 19, 2009

Christmas Season Goals

Well, it's that time of the year again! Christmas time! This is, by far, my favorite time of the year, yet many years I allow the "busyness" to eat away at my joy making this season the most stressful time of the year. Since I am on staff at a church, things amp up at work (Did you know that "unchurched" people are more likely to say yes to coming to church during Christmas and Easter?) , and things, of course, amp up at home with birthdays, holiday decorating, Christmas baking, family gatherings, shopping, wrapping, the occasional flu, etc...(omw, my head is spinning yours?) What's disheartening about this reality is that I have not even mentioned Jesus yet...and He is the whole reason we celebrate! I decided to start the season with some goals to ensure that He remains my priority during the craze.

1. Continued daily prayer & devotion time....regardless of how BUSY I think I am:)
2. STRONG focus on family time; this may mean saying no to lots of fun holiday celebrations.
3. Making sure that we as a family remember the reason for the season AT HOME...not just at CHURCH. I plan to create some fun activities to bring our focus to Jesus (ie, acting out nativity scene, birthday cake for Jesus, etc)
4. I will take the time to enjoy at least 1 holiday movie that I love (last year I didn't do this and felt ripped off!:))
5. I will start blaring Christmas music tomorrow and won't worry if people think it's too early:)
6. I will take care of my health; this includes eating right (so hard), exercising (gulp), & getting to bed by 10pm (what the?)
7. As I learn my music for Christmas services, I am going to "marinate" (as Pastor Mark would say) in the lyrics (even old lyrics), and allow my soul to feel every word I sing about or to the Savior of the world!
8. And last, but not least ...I will not wear any cheesy Christmas sweaters.

Ok, those are my goals to keep my joy alive this Christmas season and to keep me focused on what really matters. What are your goals? I would love to hear them!

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