
July 17, 2008

Reflections on the Psalms

But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted on the river bank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither and they prosper in all they do.

Who wouldn't want to prosper in all they do? Humans are always looking for the next "get rich" tip, or the "self-help" tip that will bring them happiness and make them prosperous. In the lines of Psalm 1, it is laid out for us, a "how-to" if you will..."How to be prosperous". Meditating on God's word day and night will bring us success!
This passage also got me wondering about what happens when we don't meditate on his laws, and it says that we wither. To wither can mean; to shrivel up and die; to lose vitality, freshness, or force; and it can also mean to make speechless and INCAPABLE OF ACTION. Have you ever felt like that? Incapable of any action, stuck, spinning in circles, stuck in a rut, stale in your faith? I sure have! If you are feeling any of these things right now, according to Psalms 1, any of these could be happening in your life; are you following the advice of the wicked? Are you standing around with sinners? Are you joining in with mockers? Or, are you failing to meditate on God's word NIGHT and DAY?

Are you withering? Or, are you bearing fruit?

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