
April 25, 2008

Did you feel that?

ok, so call me crazy, but today April 25th 2008 is going down in my history book. I am sitting here, searching blogs at like 11:40 at night, and to my surprise, the couch is shaking. I thought it was just my imagination, but to my surpise, the chandelier was shaking too! Oh my goodness, my first earthquake! Kinda scary because there have been like 100 small earthquakes in our area the past few days. Does that mean there is going to be a big one? I don't even know what to do in the case of an big earthquake.Not exactly the type of thing we learned in school in the state of Montana. how long do they normally last? What do I do to protect my family? A bit exciting too. Do you know what I should expect in the case of a huge one? (doubtful in our area, but let me run with this one)

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